This is a big question, one that Searchlights of Hope has been wrestling with for almost a lifetime.

It all started with a young man in 1960 who was searching out a career in design and development engineering. At the same tie he also began a search for what the world could offer as the truest and best way of life. This involved reading many boos on the world’s great belief structures including the many religions and their offshoots. Amongst them all he found much theory, conjecture and postulation. But, there was just one which offered all the evidence to provide the veracity of its word. It was called The Bible. The one great searchlight of hope, truth and love. The best illumination of God’s highway of reality through to a golden destiny.

That wonderful book contains all the guidance, precepts and teachings to form the best behavioural patterns for a more abundant life on earth. Not only that but it leads those who believe into a new glorious life in eternity, all promised by The Author of Life, who Jesus called ‘His loving Father in Heaven’. Jesus was his Emissary on Earth, passing on his directives to a waiting world. He was the True Way and being obedient to him leads to access to God’s promises. His key to opening the door to The Golden Highway is simple, in His own words ‘Just believe’. Mankind has been given the freedom of choice whether or not to do so.

Is there anything to help people to make the right decision?

And how do we make that decision?

To help in this respect the young engineer felt moved intuitively to put and easy to see version of the Bible story on the drawing board. Working as a design engineer develops imaginative thinking and this was put to good use I the ultimate creation of a hand-drawn, very potent visual aid, a panoramic display of The Bible Word. Work began in the early 1960’s culminating some 10 years later in a 16 feet long chart. This showed a time base covering the beginning to the end of time. This illustration was initially used in small discussion groups and to good effect.


In due time the display was put to good use in a guest house in the English Lake District, where it was used in many discussions with visitors from all over the world. The guests were a mixture of Christians, secular people and those who had other or no religious beliefs. Over many years, many gave their hearts to the Lord.  The display showed them the encounters between God’s Holy Spirit and humanity all through history. In particular His in-tuneness with the many prophets whose prophesies establish the veracity, the proof, of The Word. Many of their forecasts have been seen to come true and many are still for the future.

More recently with the help of he engineers family, this illustration has been converted into a digital format with the aim of making it available on a widespread basis through the internet. Hence this website which tells the same message now as it did when the first idea was conceived, namely how everyone has the opportunity to search for themselves the abundant life. A life that is available now and forever.

The now old engineer, well into his 90’s says this…..

WELCOME – to the one book which has sold more copies than any other in the world. The one book which reveals the wonderful life awaiting those who chose to implement its teachings.

WELCOME – to its wonderful searchlights of hope and truth and love for all mankind.

But there is more to share....

Following in family tradition, the engineer's grand-daughter possesses the same desires to take the message of the Love of Jesus to those with ears to hear it. This has led to the production of an album of original scripture based music. It is titled Trailblazer with the last track taking up the challenge of the great commission. Whilst written from the heart, many of the tracks also relate directly to the Bible Scroll - in particular the track called Mindful of Me. 

More information can be found on www.deborahbatemusic.co.uk  

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